Lesson series

Zone Culture
Yellow Zone Course

How Winners become Champions with Zone Culture
Write your awesome label here.


Stop for a moment and think about those days when everything just “clicks” for you. Days when you find yourself at the right place at the right time, doing just the right thing. When people you encounter says “yes” to you, when you find yourself finishing jobs you’ve been avoiding and when you are so consumed with energy, the day just zooms by.

The way you feel on those days is how highly successful people achieve extraordinary success in all areas of life. This way of living is called “being in the Zone”. Once you know how to step into the Zone, you’ll never want to live any other way.

What you will gain from this online course:

  • Understanding of how Zone Culture affects outcomes and relationships.
  • Tools to sharpen your mind, get in the Zone and improve your capacity to prioritise what is important when competing urgent issues surface
  • Save time and increase productivity by gaining the clarity to effortlessly tap into creativity and effective problem solving
  • In a calm, rational state, be able to readily make decisions promptly and without angst
  • Be able to reduce feeling stress and pressured by targets and deadlines
  • Work collaboratively together as a team to constantly innovate by learning how to debunk unexamined/limiting stories and judgements that limit the mind and close the heart
  • Know how to feel good, so that you spontaneously be inspired to naturally attract new clients and provide exceptional customer service
  • Re-energise, sleep well and start the day inspired, so that you can perform at your peak
  • Be present with your family – avoid giving them the leftovers of your energy
  • Increase your wellbeing, reduce your stress and increase your enjoyment of life
  • Access to stream the set of 2 mp3 Zone tools so that you can experience the joy of being in the Zone at work and at home every day

What you will need to successfully complete this course:

  1. An open mind and a quiet space where you will not be interrupted
  2. A journal or lined notebook and a pen to take notes and do the exercises
  3. As part of Lesson 1, print out the course materials for this course and add the link to the Zone tools to the home screen or your mobile phone

This Online Course was created from 3 different sources:
  • Video footage from a live Zone Culture Workshop that I facilitated for a mixed group of supervisors from various departments and House Managers who led teams of support workers looking after people who live with disabilities
  • Video excepts from a presentation I gave to a Family Business conference
  • And a video of me explaining how to use the Gratitude tool

It comprises 19 lessons – a short Introduction followed by 17 lessons of 2 -16 minutes in length and finishing with a Course Summary. At the end of each lesson there is a simple quiz to help you review key points covered in the video. This course should take about 4 hours to complete, and can be done all in one sitting or a few modules at a time.

Just watching the videos, answering the quizzes and gaining the knowledge is not enough. It is by applying the simple Zone tools and skills you’ll learn that will create the positive outcomes at work and in your life